Monday, May 23, 2011

Pink or Blue?

We had our mid-term sonogram today and we're proud to say that we are having another baby least that is what they think.... :) I'm in a little bit of denial and not so sure they are right, but I guess we will just go with the idea of another girl. This means no baby shopping spree for things of blue for me. I was looking forward to that just a little. But I am also looking forward to pulling out all of the adorable PINK clothes that Mallory has in her wardrobe, not to mention the loads of awesome hand me downs from my cousin including a pair of shoes to match every outfit! We got to see quite a bit of the baby today, including her sucking her thumb! We picked up a used crib/toddler bed AND dresser/changing table today which is in near perfect condition for super cheap and I couldn't be happier about it!

The movers come tomorrow and well, my house is a wreck. There is so much more I wanted to get rid of and purge and there are so many things I need to go out and get. Time is flying by and we only have 3 nights left in our house!
We had a wonderful and exhausting weekend filled with going away shindigs thrown by my Tastefully Simple friends and our small group. We couldn't have asked for better friends here in VA.

Josh had a nice trip to Italy last week, and I think he found us a place to live! YAY HONEY! We won't be able to live there until our sea shipment arrives nearly 2 months from now, so it will be Hotel living for us. Nothing like not having to cook, clean, or do laundry. I may never do any of those things again after 2 months of not doing it...LOL. No really, if you know anything about me, not cooking and doing my own laundry will drive me crazy. The cleaning I have no problem handing over to someone else!
Mallory is getting excited for the move. The other day she looked at me and said, " I'm ready to go...move to Italy" I had to tell her we weren't going quite yet, but soon enough!

My dad and step mom bought our 42" TV from us since we can't take it with us to Italy and Mallory was asking to watch the Sprout channel. Since we couldn't hook up the little 19" TV to our cable box to get all the good kids programing channels we no longer had Sprout. I had to explain to her that Nana and Pappy took the big TV and that Sprout was on the big TV. Now every time we go up the stairs and she looks at the TV, she says "Nana took Sprout and Pappy took Sprout" It is too funny how she recalls information and spits it back out to me. She is napping and has not yet been informed that she will be having a baby sister, but I'll be sure to post any little witty comments she has to say about that.
Ciao for now....


  1. So excited! Having two girls close together will be exciting and challenging. There is a special bond between sisters that you can't get with one of each. Can't wait to meet her I am sure she will be as beautiful as you and as Mallory.

  2. I LOVE THIS BLOG!!! Wanted to be your first "follower" but couldn't figure out how to make my sign in work the other day. It'll be exciting to read about your experiences while you are overseas. Thanks for sharing them, Libby!!!

  3. Sounds like you are having a fabulous time of it ....& josh thanks for taking one for the team (was the wine good)
