Wednesday, May 18, 2011

17 days left in the USA!

17 days remain until we leave American soil and descend upon the land of pasta and wine...Italy that is. I am probably crazy for starting this now with the millions of things we have to do within the next week before we move out of our house, but I wanted to get it started while I knew I had reliable internet access. This move has been a long time coming and after being pushed off a few times, it is just around the corner. We fly out June 4th and take up residence..well we aren't quite sure where yet...:) We have reservations in multiple hotels but are entertaining the idea of renting a furnished place as one of our options, so we don't have to wait until the end of July for our things to arrive via sea freight.
Josh was in Italy all this week and was able to go see a few potential places and the information he shared put some of my anxiety at ease and amped up my excitement meter a little bit!

Added to the excitement of our move is that we are expecting our second child! We are due in October, actually on Josh's birthday (10/20/2011) :) We "hopefully" find out what we are having on Monday, May 23rd! Stay tuned for the latest update!!!


  1. I've been wondering when the big move was! Wow, so soon and you're pregnant too. Congrats. Michael's b-day is 10/21. October is a good month. Can't wait to see all your updates.

  2. Good luck guys, i'm so glad you started a blog so I can keep up with you. What an amazing experience you will have but you will be badly missed i'm sure! Love ya!

  3. Dearest Cousin Libby,
    What will your cute little family be doing in Italy, and how long will you be there? Looks like a grand adventure awaits!
