Mia Rose Hunking was born October 13th at 3:44 pm.
FAQ; How was it giving birth in Italy?
Well, let me just say it was different...very different. Not in a bad way, just not what you would experience back in the states by any means. When you walked into the hospital it felt like something straight out of the 60's. The patient rooms were bare bones. No TV, no telephone, no Wi-Fi, no in room shower (I'll touch more on this in a minute) No spousal sleeping arrangements. Josh and my mom took turns sleeping on the hospital room floor on a sleeping bag. God Bless them! Just the bare necessities, a bed for me, and a table to change the baby on. Luckily, we had private insurance, so I had my own room, otherwise I would have been sharing a room with up to 6 other moms and their babies. I saw it with my own eyes. It is true....6.
When I had Mallory, my bed was the equivalent of a souped up Hummer. It had bells, whistles, and best of all a self adjusting mattress that my guess is designed to help prevent bed sores.
My bed in Italy...MODEL T FORD. It was a rough ride (period) By day 3, I was ready to run out of the hospital, which would have been a miracle, considering I could barely walk.
On another comparison note, when I had Mallory via C-section, the next day, nurses were asking if I had showered yet, and I remember responding by saying "Oh, no I didn't, I didn't know if I was allowed to with my incision and all" Then off to my in room shower I went at their urging!
Remember me saying there wasn't a shower in my room? So, I manage to ask the nurse where the showers are the day after my C-section with Mia. She blabbered something in Italian, shook her finger and repeatedly said "No" and mimed scrubbing her arm pits and pointed to the sink in my room. So the reason for no shower in your room is because THEY DON'T LET YOU SHOWER! I know, it is gross. Let's just stop there and move on, shall we?
Last but not least we have the pain medication issue. I contemplated committing what I'm sure is a Federal crime in multiple countries. I was about to hit some folks up on Facebook asking them to overnight me some narcotic drugs. I'm not saying I know a lot of people that would have the ability to do that, I mean only like 4 or 5, but that is beside the point. I digress. I was at the point of desperation when my anesthesia began to wear off, and I had this intense pain. Probably because MY STOMACH HAD JUST BEEN CUT OPEN. I called the nurses to make sure the "GOOD STUFF", going into my arm through IV was actually dripping and not kinked, because it certainly was not working at alleviating my pain. I eventually asked my doctor what it was exactly they were pumping into me and she informed me it was about the equivalent of Tylenol. Yes, you read that right. After having major surgery, I was on Tylenol folks! The reason they couldn't give me narcotics was because I was breast feeding. Yes, I get it, they do cross over into breast milk, but I popped them like candy with Mallory and she turned out just fine...I think. Seriously though, you take them when you need them and boy did I need them. Especially since I had a hacking cough that came about the night before my surgery. Incision in stomach plus coughing does NOT feel good, I can assure you. At one point, I asked for more "tylenol" and was told I couldn't have any more because it was "bad for my liver". So is drinking alcohol, but people still do it!
5 weeks after Mia was born, we headed on our first family road trip to Germany for Thanksgiving. No, they don't celebrate "Thanksgiving" in Germany. Those Indians landed in Williamsburg, VA remember? Silly. We went to visit my cousin and his family there and had a wonderful visit and plenty of gluhwein. (Hot wine) at multiple Christmas markets where Mallory rode plenty of carousels, over and over and over again. I'm dizzy just thinking about it.
In the beginning of December, Josh had a few days off work for some Italian Holiday, and we took full advantage and headed 2 1/2 hours south to Tuscany! 4 nights in a Tuscan Villa, Tour of Florence, Wine tour, and a personal chef that came to the villa to cook an 8 course meal for us...we were living the high life! Definitely and unforgettable trip. My mom was still with us and she also enjoyed herself, especially playing Pocahontas and John "Sniff" with Mallory. Gotta give thanks to that Pocahontas for discovering America you know? Mallory is only 2 1/2 and she is already learning her American history...sweet!
Carla, our personal chef at our Tuscan Villa! |
We spent the holidays back in the states. Mia had her first plane ride at 2 1/2 months old. Both of the girls were so good. Not a peep out of either one of them. (Thank you Duct Tape!) We enjoyed our time at home thoroughly. I managed to only make it to Target 4 times as opposed to my original prediction of 7. Pathetic...for multiple reasons. I did LOTS of shopping. I pre-bought gifts for Mallory's birthday and stockpiled bribery items too. Ahhh....nothing like a little retail therapy, and boy did I need some therapy after spending nearly 3 weeks with my family! Just kidding...I loved every minute of being with our families. It was such a blessing to be able to spend so much time with them! Now if only they'd all come visit, that would be awesome.
Headed to the USA! |
Speaking of visitors, our 2012 is booking up quickly, so get your trip in ASAP. I'm looking forward to our next batch of confirmed visitors and trips! February will be an exciting month for us with a visit from our friends who just moved to Germany. Meredith and her 8 month old son will be coming to visit me for some time while Josh heads back to VA for a few days for an awards banquet in Fairfax. He has been instructed to bring back coffee, flavored powdered creamer, and turkey gravy packets....seriously.
After Josh returns home, we will be seeing friends of mine from high school, Kristin and Greg, and then at the end of February we are headed to Edelweiss in Germany for a ski week.
Now some of you may be thinking...LIBBY! SKIING?! ARE YOU CRAZY? And why would one think this? Primarily because one time, about 12 years ago, I had a bit of an accident (which turned out to be no accident at all, because that is how I met my very handsome husband). This "accident", if you will, involved skis, trees, broken shoulder, and a few broken ribs. Let it be known, I most likely will not be getting on a pair of skis, rather I will be tubing down a hill with no control whatsoever. Let the fun begin!
Oh...in case you didn't get a Christmas Card from us...here it is. I will say though how ridiculously proud of myself I am that I did get out cards to most friends and family! Thank goodness for Shutterfly! It made it super easy for this new mom to get out Christmas Cards. Photos Courtesy of: Rachel Burwell
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A bit of a Tastefully Simple Update! Thank you for all of your support. In both November and December, I did nearly 5X my sales goal. What a blessing that was! Every order counts and means the world to me, so please keep Tastefully Simple products in mind for your next gift giving, entertaining, or everyday occasion. (When in stock at our house...Perfectly Potato Cheddar soup and Bountiful Beer Bread make a weekly meal)
I am ALWAYS looking for new catalog hosts to collect a few orders from friends, family, co-workers, and in return you get FREE FOOD! I am currently in need of catalog hosts for February and March. The first 2 people to contact me about hosting a catalog party and mention the blog, get an extra $10 worth of FREE FOOD! Ready...GO!
Also, if you like to eat, please visit my Fan Facebook Page: Libby Hunking- Independent Tastefully Simple Consultant and "LIKE" it! Pretty Please?! Then, pretty, pretty please share it with your friends! You never know when I could reward you for sharing...and besides...didn't your mother tell you it is nice to share with your friends?....I thought so!
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